MCD Forestry Program

Our Forestry Program is a new edition to the Mancos Conservation District, however, one we are thrilled to launch.

Why is Forest Restoration Important?

Due to wildfire suppression and other management legacies, current forest conditions do not reflect those that existed historically. Today, tree densities are significantly higher and species composition has shifted, leading to a loss of diversity - forests that are more uniform in age, composition (species present), and structure.

As a result, forest landscapes are more vulnerable to extreme wildfire conditions and disease. Loss of diversity also hinders the ecosystems ability to support healthy plant and wildlife habitat and clean water.

By implementing Forest Restoration plans - which often includes prescribed burning and/or thinning trees and shrubs - we can reduce fuel loads and help our forests return to a more resilient and diverse state.

Landowner Assistance

The Mancos Conservation District is here to help landowners improve forest health and create a safer environment by reducing extreme wildfire risks. Our on-staff Forestry Program Coordinator and program partners want to assist you in navigating the complexities of forest restoration by offering cost-share assistance and guidance every step of the way. Contact us to learn more about this process!

Contact Information

Tara Harris - Forestry Program Coordinator

W: (970)-880-4474 C: (606)-521-3437