Equipment Rentals
No Till Seed Drill
A No-Till Seed Drill is a planter that allows for placement of seeds in the ground without having to drastically disturb the topsoil beforehand. Using a no-till seed drill can result in reduced compaction, reduced soil erosion, increased organic matter, improved soil structure and better infiltration; just a few of the positive attributes associated with no-till. The District's No-Till Seed Drill is most often used to rejuvenate tired pastures without having to disc or plough and to plant competition for weeds after a control method has been applied. The drill has been used in many cases to plant cover crops, a diverse mix of seed that helps improve the water holding capacity, fertility and structure of the soil. Over 2000 acres in Montezuma County have been seeded with the No-Till Drill in the last 5 years.
Must be located in: 81328
Please watch these videos before renting or picking up the drill:
Must be located in: 81321, 81323, 81327
Please watch video links before renting or picking up drill
Compost/Natural Fertilizer Spreader
High Desert Conservation District is now offering a manure spreader for local producers to rent. The spreader holds 2000lb and is a ground drive, no PTO needed. Rental cost is $75.00/day (24hrs). For scheduling a time to utilize this equipment or for any questions, please contact Neva Connolly at or Erica Holm at
You can also call (970) 529-8365 or (970)508-0674
We’re excited to help you spread some BS!
Must be located in: 81321, 81323, 81327
Wood Chipper & Crew
Wallenstein BXTR6438 Trailer Mounted Chipper
7" Chipping Capacity With Hydraulic Roller Feed
999 CC Kohler CH980 Engine
4x WL1053M303 Reversible Rotor Knife / Spare
Freight From Wallenstein, ON N0B 2S0, Canada
Available anywhere in Montezuma County.
Please call MCD Forestry Technician, Rowan Henke at 970-739-1510 to schedule.
Roller Crimper
Product Features:
8-foot width! Cover crop roller had blades that are arranged in chevron pattern to prevent bouncing. Blades are welded and replacement blades can be bolted on as needed. Blades on the drum are spaced 8′′ apart mounted on 16′′ diameter pipe.
Any non-freezing liquid can be added for added weight to improve performance of crop rolling adding (75lb per ft).
Mounting Options:
3-point hitch. The Cover Crop Roller can be mounted on a front end loader with custom built adapter.
Available anywhere in Montezuma County.