Montezuma County Conservation Districts
The two Montezuma County Conservation Districts, like the other 74 conservation districts in Colorado, are guided by a governing board of supervisors elected by local land owners. These officials serve four year terms and give their time and talents voluntarily. These individuals work closely with landowners, government and business leaders, school teachers, students, and others interested in natural resource conservation. We are local organizations through which state and federal agencies provide service to Montezuma County landowners.
What do we do?
We cooperate with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Farm Services Agency, the Bureau of Reclamation, the Colorado River Basin Salinity Forum, the Colorado State Forest Service, the Montezuma County Weed Board, Colorado State University Extension, and other organizations to provide rural landowners with information, technical and engineering support, and access to government cost-share programs that deal with improvement of water distribution, on-farm irrigation systems, noxious weed control, rehabilitation of disturbed areas, and other conservation related activities. We also support a wide variety of educational opportunities, including the Children's Water Festival, Youth Conservation Camp, Teacher Conservation Workshops, and Workshops for Landowners concerning range management, pasture management, irrigation management, soil management, and other important topics.